Saturday, June 25, 2011

Case 39

Oh, the horror!

Case 39 is a movie about a little girl who has some super natural behavior problems that make my little food spitter look like an absolute angel! I would take Albert and his antics over the little girl in this movie 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and 366 days if its a leap year! Good Lord and Amen!

Renee Zellweger stars as the social worker in charge of Case 39 who turns out to be a little girl named Lillith. Its a lovely name, but watch out. This kid takes the cake when it comes to horrible behavior. Jodelle Ferland played the part of "Lillith" so well that she is one celebrity I DON'T ever want to meet.

It was creepy and scary and helpful as all get out when it comes to having a new way of looking at my own children during those times when they appear to be pushing my buttons.

There's nothing like an extreme example to help unstick me from old perceptions and reactions. This movie reminded me of J and His extreme example.

Here's what He has to say about it from Chapter 6 of the Text under the heading: The Message of the Crucifixion, "The Crucifixion is nothing more than an extreme example. Its value, like the value of any teaching device, lies solely in the kind of learning it facilitates."

And then later in that same section, He says, "You are not asked to repeat my experiences because the Holy Spirit, Whom we share, makes this unnecessary."

Good to know!


  1. Yes, and even though I really enjoy Renee Zellweger, YOUR experience of watching that movie will save me from having to do so! Thanks for the lesson, vicariously, in the dream! And, perhaps YOU won't have to experience 'having a stroke' cuz I got that covered...LOL! (Not as frustrating as yelling at toddlers...done that, wear the t-shirt proudly...but takes away my peace pretty much on a daily basis...lots of forgiveness opps!!!!) Silly dream!
    Glad to see you back on the diary path, too! <3
